let’s talk about water in virginia and how it affects our hair

Do you ever feel like your hair never really gets clean, your scalp stays flaky or has irritation, or your ends always feel dry and brittle no matter what? Well it’s time to take a look at your water that you’re showering in. Our water in Richmond, Virginia is full of minerals, metallics, and chemicals all coming from the treatment plants it comes, the pipes in our homes it passes through, and the ground it is sourced from. These can all build up on the hair causing it to feel dull, lifeless, oily, dry, all of the above. It can also be the number one reason why your color isn’t lasting like it should, or why your blonde or brunette highlights are feeling brassy pretty quickly!

Luckily, there are solutions! The first step is coming into PRISM Hair Salon in Richmond, Virginia and receiving a Malibu Wellness Treatment. This is a deep clarifying treatment for the hair that cleanses all buildup and leaves your hair feeling like it has life again! (Not too mention it’s been known to make your color look brighter than before because of all that buildup! Ew!) This is also a great pre-color treatment to receive to ensure the best results with your Stylist at PRISM Hair Salon in Virginia. If you know you have well-water then this treatment is a MUST.

After you’ve received your treatment, next you need to purchase a showerhead filter. These are easy to find, and easy to install, and they make a HUGE difference. We’ve noticed our skin isn’t as dry with using one too! Our faves are The Aquabliss, The T3, The Jolie. The prices vary, and depending on your aesthetic for your shower, you can choose the best one for you! These will all do what’s needed and make sure to change just the filter portion of the showerhead at least every 3-6 months! You will definitely know when it is time to, because you will feel the dreaded buildup coming back slowly.

Last thing is make sure you’re using a clarifying or detox shampoo at least every 3-4 washes. This will get any residual buildup out of the hair, like sweat, product, or dirt, and it will maintain the clean feeling you love about your hair! And if you’re a blonde, it will keep your blonde brighter!

All of our hairstylists offer the treatment and we can’t recommend one enough! Text the salon to book an appointment today!


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